This page gives you information about the role of the Macmillan Head and Neck Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) Team. The contact details for the team are included at the end of this page. You are welcome to contact them if you have questions or concerns. You have been referred to the Macmillan Head and Neck CNS Team following your cancer diagnosis. The CNS team will act as your ‘keyworkers’ and will be your main point of contact through your diagnosis and treatment. Your CNS team will provide support, education and information for you and your loved ones throughout your diagnosis and treatment.

Who does the Clinical Nurse Specialist work with?

The CNS team work alongside the Head and Neck Multidisciplinary team. This includes our surgeons, oncologists, dietitians and speech and language therapists. You may have joint appointments with various members of the multidisciplinary team.

We also liaise with other healthcare workers within the hospital and community, such as GPs and clinical psychologists, if their input is needed with your care.

What does the Clinical Nurse Specialist do?

A Head and Neck CNS is an experienced nurse in head and neck cancer and works with patients in the hospital.

A member of your CNS team will be present at some of your consultant appointments.

You may also have separate appointments with your CNS either face to face or by telephone.

The CNS team can be contacted by patients and loved ones who have questions or concerns regarding treatment or its side effects.

The CNS team will be able to help with problems such as:

  • The physical effects of cancer and the treatment
  • Emotional support needs
  • Liaison with other health professionals

Head and Neck Cancer Support Worker

The Head and Neck Cancer Support Worker (CSW) works alongside the CNS team. They will provide practical advice and guidance with issues such as returning to work, going on holiday, travel insurance, where to obtain finance support etc. They will also contact you to discuss completing a Holistic Needs Assessment (separate information will be provided).

Contact information

Head and Neck Macmillan Clinical Nurse Specialist

Tel: 0300 422 6785

Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm (excluding Bank Holidays)

Please leave a message on the answer phone and we will aim to get back to you within 48 hours.

You can also email the Clinical Nurse Specialists:

Sarah Reilly


Mob: 07812 462732

Grace Jones


Mob: 07815 650210

Tara Williams


Mob: 07815 650209

Macmillan Head and Neck Cancer Support Worker

Michelle Welsh


Tel: 0300 422 6555

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Head and Neck Macmillan Clinical Nurse Specialist GHPI0388_06_24 Department: Oncology Review due: August 2027 PDF, 311.9 KB, 3 pages
Reference number GHPI0388_06_24
Department Oncology
Review due August 2027