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We provide care and treatment for women who have been diagnosed with a number of gynaecological cancers.


We are an accredited cancer centre for the treatment of gynaecological cancer, including cancers of:

  • the cervix, which is the lower part of the womb (uterus) that joins to the top of the vagina, also known as the neck of the womb. People who have a cervix include women, transgender (trans) men, and people assigned female at birth.
  • the ovaries, which are two small, oval-shaped organs in the pelvis.
  • the vagina, which is a muscular tube that extends from the opening of the womb (cervix) to the folds of skin (vulva) between the legs. It allows blood from your periods (menstruation) to drain out of the body. It is also the passageway through which babies are born (the birth canal).
  • the vulva, is the name given to the visible sex organs that surround the opening of the vagina outside the body.
  • the womb (uterus), is a pear-shaped organ where a baby is carried during pregnancy. It is low in the pelvis (the area between the hips) and is supported by the pelvic floor muscles.

We have a team of leading clinicians who are experts in managing gynaecological oncology.

Treatment options

We can offer a range of highly specialist surgery, including:

  • removal of the cervix while preserving fertility (radical abdominal trachelectomy)
  • keyhole surgery (laparoscopic cancer surgery) to treat ovarian cancer
  • radical techniques for advanced and recurrent cancer

You may also be offered chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment, depending on your individual treatment plans.

Diagnosing Gynaecological Cancers

Gynaecological Cancer 2 week wait clinics

This clinic is for gynaecological cancer exclusion only. There will be several clinics running on the day of your appointment and you might see a doctor or a nurse specialist. Depending on your symptoms you may have other tests performed on the day of your appointment. It may also be necessary for you to have a physical examination of your abdomen and/or an internal examination during your consultation. Sometimes the specialist will need further blood tests or to take a biopsy. This is where small amounts of tissue are taken from inside the womb, the cervix, or the vulva for further investigations. A biopsy can be uncomfortable and may require you to have a local anaesthetic. This will numb the area where the biopsy is to be taken. You may have some bleeding afterwards. Please ask any questions that you may have during your consultation. We are happy for you to bring someone with you to the appointment.

If further investigations are required we may arrange the following:

  • CT, PET or MRI scan
  • Ultrasound scan
  • Examination under Anaesthetic (EUA) and a biopsy
  • Image-guided biopsy

Read our One Stop Gynaecology Assessment Clinic leaflet

Our location

Gynaecological clinics are held in Gloucestershire Royal Hospital and Cheltenham General Hospital. Radiology investigations, such as MRI or CT scans, can be on either site.

Our cancer surgery is in Cheltenham General Hospital, along with a pre-assessment clinic.

The Oncology Centre in Cheltenham General Hospital provides chemotherapy and radiotherapy to our gynaecological cancer patients.

Gynaecology oncology multidisciplinary team


Gynaecological Oncologists (Surgeons)

Cancer Nurse Specialists

We provide support and information to patients and their families and work at both Cheltenham General Hospital and Gloucestershire Royal Hospital. Your cancer support worker will coordinate your gynaecological care and liaise with all other health professionals involved in your care, aiming to ensure continuity for you.

Surgical Care Practitioners:

  • Mrs. Ann Stephens
  • Miss Georgina Lewis

Gynaecological Oncology Specialist Radiographer:

Support our cancer services

Focus is the charitable fund for the Gloucestershire Oncology Centre, raising funds which directly provide extra care, specialist equipment and improvements to facilities for local cancer patients.